Friday, April 16, 2010

Public service announcement

I'm not going to lie. When preparing for tonight's tutorial, I wasn't sure where to begin. Prepping for Friday Night Writes took no thought at all. I just sat there and sliced up your papers with you.

Some AP materials I ordered a while back arrived on Wednesday like manna from Heaven, complete with 20 ready-made lessons. And better yet, they are good lessons I don't have to tweak.

So I want to brag on my first five guinea pigs: Lupe, Bianca O., Nayeri, Sami D., and The Uriel. We had such a great time dissecting stuff on the cafeteria deck that the first time we checked the time, we'd gone ten minutes over.

I'm expecting about eight folks Sunday night at Starbucks and am really looking forward to it. If you want to add yourself to the list, just let me know so I have enough copies. Not turning anyone away. Am also not paying for your frappucinos. :D

In other news, if you haven't had a chance to see Mrs. Benavidez on Channel 2's segment today, watch this video. "Amazing" doesn't begin to cover it.

Good luck to everyone doing the MS-150 tomorrow! My thoughts will be with you. I'll put a mile in at the pool tomorrow in long-distance support. Enjoy your three-day weekend, lucky ducks.

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