Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm going blind

I just finished my 25th letter of recommendation and have seven left to do tomorrow. All of y'all are starting to bleed together into a giant amalgam of wonderfulness. I've run out of ways to say, "I love this kid and he/she is totally awesome" without saying it just like that.

The next time you're up all night working on a project or reading a book that I assigned you, just remember I have to do it, too. I'm right there with y'all right now. And I still have quizzes to grade, the Slaughterhouse test to write, and a bunch more stuff to do before school on Monday.

I know, boo hoo. But it's hard out here for a teacher.

Monday, November 24, 2008


The turkey is in the oven. It smells good; it's just a matter of not overcooking it.

Dinner is tonight at Adrian's at 7:00 p.m. Hit him up for address or directions if necessary.

Hope to see lots of you there!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Extra credit opportunity

You have until Friday, Nov. 14th at 7:00 p.m. CST to respond to the following right here on the blog.

Below is an excerpt from a poem by Kurt Vonnegut. Leave a message that includes what you think Vonnegut is saying about humans, whether or not you agree with it, and reasons why or why not.


When the last living thing
has died on account of us,
how poetical it would be
if Earth could say,
in a voice floating up
from the floor
of the Grand Canyon,
It is done.
People did not like it here

Monday, November 10, 2008


Precious treasures,

I went to the doctor today, hoping to get an antibiotic that would get me better and let me come back to work right away. But I don't have strep throat, or any other bacterial problem. (Antibiotics only work on bacterial issues.)

Rather, there is a virus in my throat, which means two things: I'm very contagious (especially to kids, she said) and it has to run its course.

Bottom line, I don't have permission to come back to school until Thursday. I'm considering some ideas for how to keep you productively occupied and not wasting time while I'm gone. I apologize in advance for my absence and lack of exciting lessons. I promise to make it up for it in three ways: I won't get you sick, I'll prepare something cool for when I get back, and I'll work on letters of recommendation.

Feel free to text, Facebook, or email me. I hate being away and get restless.

The only bright spot in this is that Husband's on the way to the store for Ben & Jerry's.

Halloween pics

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Be good tomorrow. I think I have strep throat and will be headed to the doctor instead of school. So be nice and get your work done, and keep up with your reading. I hope to see you soon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Scruples alert!

I just heard the word "scruples" on "My Name is Earl." Heeehehehe.

Don't forget your quiz tomorrow.