Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April blood drive

This blood drive was our sixth one since January 2009. It also marked the 1,000th life saved by Wizard donors. I couldn't be prouder of those of you who helped out. We had an enormous turnout today; I'm pretty sure it was a record number.

Over 50 percent of the senior class turned out, almost one-third of the junior class, and 20 sophomores came out for their first donation today.

Mrs. Johnson gave for the first time ever and was a champ!

Jesus shows off his purple armband, re: status symbol.

Eliud and Yesii are beasts!

Martin and Olga representing the Class of 2011:

And my favorite moment of the day was from the Delgado siblings. I must recreate the conversation that took place in my classroom this afternoon.

While discussing Shakespeare's malapropisms, the door opens.

Jesse: Did you faint?

Sami (across the room): Jesse, we're in class!

Jesse: Did you faint? I heard you fainted.

Rayburn: Come in and see her, Jesse.

Jesse crosses the room and talks to his sister: I fainted, too.

And then tough chica Sami D got teary and hugged her little brother. I had to take a picture. She wouldn't pose. We were all touched.

They are both fine, and they saved six lives today. The Delgados are rock stars.

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