Sunday, July 26, 2009

2 1/2 more weeks

Hello Darling Cherubs,
We are 17 days away from the first day of your senior year! Exciting times are upon us. At the risk of sounding a bit like a nag, I want to make sure you are all on track with your summer reading. For those of you in AP, you should have started on the work by now. Preparation for The Metamorphosis shouldn't be too tough; however, the work for Slouching Towards Bethlehem is meant to be mental aerobics. I've only gotten far, so that means you're either all a bunch of geniuses or you're not working on it yet.

71 of you have signed up for the AP course, and I couldn't be more stoked about that, BUT you won't be allowed to stay in if you have not completed the work with your best effort. So that's why I'm nagging - I don't want to lose any of you!

In other news, as your grade-level chair, I want to give shout-outs to those of you who are already working to raise money for your senior activities. Julie (please call me back, I lost your phone number), Elena, Yesenia, and others -- good work so far, keep it up!

Also, the green senior shirts have arrived, and they look SHARP. Just a personal thank you for selecting a color that looks good with red hair. :) If you ordered one and paid for it, you may pick yours up at school. Mrs. Benavidez or I will help you, but please be honest and don't try to nab one if you didn't order it. Will there be another order? You bet. Here's how that's going to work.

During the first week of school, I will be taking nominations for senior class officers. This is something new to YES, but fairly common to most schools. We will have a senior class president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. These are different from Student Council officers who serve the whole school. What will they do?

Well, I'm working on fleshing out the job desriptions more fully, but these four folks will run morning meetings, organize senior activities, sit on the prom committee, handle shirt/sweatshirt/accessory orders, and such. They will work closely with me on whatever we need to do to make your Sen10r year rock. Be thinking of whom you'd like to see leading your class in this way.

Last announcement (for now): Our first Blood Drive of the year will be on August 31st. The Class of '09 set a great precedent of participation, and already the Class of '10 has made a strong showing at blood drives. I urge all of you to consider participating on the 31st -- the Gulf Coast Blood Center gives us gift cards and supports graduation/prom efforts generously, so it all comes back to you in some way. Plus, you save lives, and nothing's as awesome as knowing that. If you want more info on blood donation, check out this website.

Okay, Cherubs, I think that's it for now. Be seeing you soon!