Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Two important things

First of all, I screwed up your homework assignment. I meant for you to do a STAARS paper on the first paragraph of PAGE 12, not page 13. The first paragraph of page 13 is not all that interesting. But on 12, now that's good stuff. Sorry for the confusion, and please pass the word along to your classmates.

Second, please keep the North Central campus in your thoughts. Their administrative building, which includes their sanctatorium and several classrooms, was damaged to the point that it will be unusable for the rest of the semester. They are only able to have ten volunteers at a time up there, and I have signed up for a shift to help clean. I know some of you are nearby and would like to help out, so I will inquire about the possibility. But I have a feeling between their staff and students, they will be pretty set. Regardless, it's a chance for us to realize how lucky we are at Southeast -- we will be able to have classes, almost as usual, much sooner.

I'm missing all of you guys and hoping you are well.

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