Saturday, July 19, 2008

A birthday wish and some info to spread around

Tomorrow is J.J. Salazar's birthday, so be sure to send him some love.

I mentioned it before, but wanted to say it again, Friday, August 1st is an important date. On that day, you'll have your Senior Photos taken -- these are the pictures that go in the yearbook and are used in the graduation program. Yes, I know, that's many months away and you may have a fabulously different hairstyle by May, but this is the way it works. It's been like this for every YES graduating class, and it was even like this back when I was a senior in the dark ages, so you will be okay.

If you are on a summer program or won't be able to make it for whatever reason, there will be make-up sessions at some point. These photos are only with the graduation robes; they don't include fancy set-ups for portraits. You are not obligated to buy them, either.

Also on that day, you will be doing scheduling with Ms. Edwards and the rest of us. That evening will be parent meeting, and afterward, we will have an overnight. You'll need to bring $5 for pizza, drinks for yourself, and a sleeping bag. For those of you who typically bring Rock Band or any other type of entertainment, feel free to do so. Also, that evening, I will be having a brief tutorial on the summer reading assignment, as I've been getting a lot of questions about it and have heard that a quick session would be appreciated. So if you are struggling with Slouching Towards Bethlehem, please come having read at least half a dozen of the pieces so you'll be able to keep up with what I'll be talking about.

We will be leaving on Saturday morning by 9:00 a.m. sharp!

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