Saturday, June 28, 2008

Still got it

I just got back from a week of intensive classes at TCU, and I am STOKED to get started planning AP English for you guys. It's going to be different than your usual English class experience, but you trust me, right?

Anyway, I thought you might find it amusing that yesterday morning, I found myself a bit bored in a class (I was expecting to learn something new about how to implement Independent Reading, but no). And so I began listing all 89 of you from memory on a scratch piece of paper.

I got to 88 while sitting in class. Impressive, yes?

And then, about an hour into my drive back to Houston, it occurred to me whom I'd left out. (And no, I won't say whom, but it was someone in Beller's class this year, so that made things a little harder. It is no measure of how much I like this person.) I screamed the name at the top of my lungs, so glad to have gotten everyone.

I'm about to go up to school in a little bit to make some copies and stuff, and I'll take the camera so I can document the garden's growth. It's gonna shock you!

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