Thursday, June 5, 2008

A peek inside

Today my husband and I moved some furniture around and turned our extra bedroom into an office space for me. Kids, I'm so nerdy. I have spent all day in this room, reading mostly. Oh, and you know it was English IV stuff I was reading, no lie.

I realized that I haven't had a room of my very own since I was in high school (so that's 16 years). I was so giddy about this new space that Hub started teasing me, saying I probably would start sleeping in here, too.

You know you're old when you get happy about the absence of a television.

I hope you're all enjoying your summers so far. I've had a hard time adjusting to all this free time. I've made daily trips to school, pretty much just to water the garden, which is looking great. The beans went crazy over the weekend and are starting to vine up the lattice like we hoped. And the tomatoes are red and pretty, just not quite big enough yet. I'll take some pictures in a few days and put them up here.


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