Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer reading tutorial

Hey '11 kids,
No idea if you read this, but updating anyway. Although we start school on August 2nd, your summer reading assignments are not due until Monday, August 9th.

Here's why. The week of August 2-6 will be half days, meaning you will be dismissed at noon. We won't be following a regular schedule on those days. I'm sure you have questions on what those days will be like, and I just don't know the answer to that yet. Hopefully I will soon. (I go back to school July 26, so I'll know that week.)

One day during that first week of half-days, I will hold a tutorial after school to go over the writing assignment that accompanies your nonfiction selection. I highly recommend you attend the session, which will probably include snack items. In the meantime, keep reading, and let me know if you have any questions.

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