Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The First 24

Summer is always an experiment in my stamina for hanging out with myself. I can get pretty annoying after repeated exposure (quit nodding). Because Husband works at home, I try to make myself relatively scarce during his work time, which fluctuates because he is nocturnal.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Yesterday, I finished the checkout process at school around 2:30. "Not with a bang, but with a whimper." I always hate the end of school, because people just flit off into the distance, scattered and distracted. There are no goodbyes, no plans made, just an empty classroom and several sweaty trips to the car. At the close of a year, it feels like someone should at least give you a handshake and a "have a good one," but it doesn't really work out that way.

So I took myself to Starbucks, because I'm still on Cloud 9 about their new decaffeinated frappucinos. (They used to serve them, then stopped, claiming it was too big of a pain. I wrote letters. I'm not saying that's what got them back, but I am happy either way.)

And not five minutes before I left escuela do I get an email from a student at Southwest asking for advice with their first prom. Really? On June 7th? My advice is give me another month before I even think about this.

So I have been out of school for, oh, 21 hours and I'm not sure what do with myself. Anyone else? I'm currently fighting the fleas that have infested my dog and consequently my house. That's no fun. I'm sitting here with a bandana over my face like a bank robber because I just fumigated the place (Max is at doggie daycare, getting a flea dip). Husband is asleep, so I closed the bedroom door and put a towel under it. I hope not to poison him.

I'm going to read for a while. I'm working on the Bill Bryson book, which is amazingly good - it's science for non-scientists, so I understand it. Did you know that the guy who created the periodic table was inspired by the game Solitaire? And did you know that it's only called Solitaire in North America? Everywhere else it's called Patience.

And there are your fun facts for the day. Back to my regularly scheduled summer.

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