Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friendly reminder

Hey Sen10rs,
We're almost halfway through our summer break. Remember, we go back early this year - on Wednesday, August 12th! So this is just a friendly poke at you to remember your summer reading assignments. Get at 'em! You don't want to wait any longer to get started. Slouching Towards Bethlehem isn't particularly easy.

Remember you must do dialectical journals for 15 of the 20 essays, so there are five you can leave out if you find them especially tricky.

As for The Metamorphosis, you need to be ready for a quiz and a Socratic Seminar on Day 1.

I've already made out the calendars for the whole year, and I can tell you that AP English IV is going to be a workout! But we're all going to get smarter and have a great time in the process.

Hope you're having fun!

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