Saturday, May 31, 2008

Really? It's over?

Hello to any of you kids who are sadly bored enough to drop by and see if I'm doing anything here.

The last day of school always catches me off guard, because there is just SO incredibly much going on. I never feel like I have the chance to say goodbye to you guys like I really want, so I will try do a better job at that in writing sometime later this week. After I've had a chance to miss y'all and stuff.

Tonight was Ms. Moore's last night in town, and she came over for dinner. We became too lazy to actually make dinner, so she decided it was time to introduce Husband to Taconmadre. She and I drooled about how good it was, and when we drove up to it, Chris asked incredulously, "In the green bus?!"

But yes, he loved it, and you guys would've been mildly impressed at my ability to place a fairly complicated order entirely en espanol. Better yet, when I got my food, I realized I'd ordered it right.

Here are some pics from after graduation last night, just for fun.

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