Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Second thoughts

So I'm starting to freak out just a little bit that y'all are all going to give up on Slouching Towards Bethlehem and hate me for picking it. I know it's tough and written a long time ago and it seems completely irrelevant to you. So why would I pick it? Well, Joan Didion pioneered the art of the personal essay, and we will be reading a lot of nonfiction this year. When we get together and look closer at her work, I think it will become clear what a sophisticated and gentle writer she is. But for now, I think you're going over all the references you don't understand and cursing my name.

So that said, we'll definitely be talking about it on Friday night. (OPTIONAL!! If you choose to play Rock Band instead, there will be no nagging. Okay, mild nagging, but in good spirits.)

I've spent some time this week re-reading two of the essays, "On Going Home" and the one from which the book gets its name, "Slouching Towards Bethlehem." So I'll probably focus on those two, in case you want to take a look at them beforehand.

Enough of my rambling. See you soon.

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